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发布日期:2025-01-15 09:31    点击次数:114





01、 书道

书道(calligraphy)是中国文化的精髓。书道在中国随地可见,与日常生存紧密相连。书道作品能装点客厅、书斋和卧室。它是将汉字写在吸水性致密的宣纸 (Xuan paper)上,然后将作品贴在一块镶有丝绸边的厚纸上,安上卷轴(scroll)或用画框装裱起来挂在墙上。书道作品普通是一首诗、一副春联或主东说念主很心爱的座右铭。主东说念主切身书写的作品将体现他的愿望、深嗜深嗜以及体裁或艺术才华。一幅书道作品不错给白色的墙壁增添活力,为来宾友东说念主带来怡悦。


Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture. It can be found everywhere in China, and is closely linked to daily life. Calligraphic works decorate sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which is good at absorbing ink. The work will be pasted on a piece of thick paper with a silk edge, and then mounted on a scroll or put into a picture frame for hanging on the wall. Usually, a calligraphic work contains a poem, a pair of couplets, or a motto the owner likes very much. If the calligraphic work is written by the owner himself, it will demonstrate his wish and interest as well as his literary or artistic talent. A calligraphic work can bring vitality to the white wall, pleasure to guests and friends.

01、 指南针

中国事寰宇上公认发明指南针的国度。早在2400多年前,中国东说念主就创造出寰宇上最早的指南针。其后经过不停改革,到宋朝(the Song Dynasty)东说念主们制造出铁针指南针并专揽于帆海。中国事第一个在海船上使用指南针的国度。指南针为明代(the Ming Dynasty)郑和下欧好意思提供了条目。其后指南针传入欧洲,鼓舞了欧洲帆海劳动的发展为,哥伦布(Columbus)的飞行提供了技艺保证。


China is universally recognized as the country having invented the compass. As early as 2,400 years ago, Chinese people created the earliest compass in the world. Later it was further improved continuously. During the Song Dynasty, people produced the compass with iron needles and applied it in navigation. China is the first country to use the compass on seagoing ships. The compass provided aid for Zheng He's voyages to the Western Ocean in the Ming Dynasty. Later the compass spread into Europe, promoting the development of the European marine industry and guaranteeing technical support for Columbus' navigation.

02、 造纸术



In ancient times, writing works and inscriptions were generally written on tablets of bamboo or on pieces of silk. But silk being costly and bamboo heavy, they were both not convenient to use. Then Cai Lun initiated the method of making paper with the bark of trees. Traditionally, he is regarded as the inventor of paper and the technique of papermaking. Although early forms of paper had already existed in China since the 2nd century BC, he fostered the first significant improvement and standardization of papermaking by adding essential new materials into papers composition. Cai found the composition of paper and invented the technique of papermaking. Cai was reputed for this invention in the world, and even in his own lifetime he was already given recognition for it.


03、 中华老字号

中华老字号(China centuries-old/time-honored brands)是指那些历史悠久并领有致密信誉的中国企业。这些企业时常具有昭着的中华英才传统文化特征,领有高品性的居品、身手或就业,赢得庸俗的社会认同。同仁堂(Tongrentang)和全聚德(Quanjude)均属北京的老字号。同仁堂创建于1669年,其药品以优良的传统工艺和显耀的疗效享誉海表里。以北京烤鸭闻明的全聚德创建于1864年,是中国闻明的饭铺。


China time-honored brands refer to Chinese companies that have a long history as well as a good reputation. With distinct characteristics of traditional Chinese culture, they get extensive public recognition by offering good-quality products, techniques or services. Both Tongrentang and Quanjude are the time-honored brands in Beijing. Tongrentang was founded in 1669,and its medical products have enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroad for excellent traditional manufacturing techniques and good effects. Founded in 1864 and well-known for its Bejing roast ducks, Quanjude is a famous restaurant in China.

04、 印刷术

印刷术发明之前,念念出书新书的学者必须一字一字地抄写。北宋时期,经过多年的履行,毕昇发明了活字印刷术(movable-type printing)。他把汉字刻在一小块泥胚(pieces of clay)上,加热汉字直到其酿成硬的活字。印书时,东说念主们按规则将活字摆在一王人,印出陈迹。印刷完后,他们把字分开,以后一样使用。这种格式既经济又省时。中国的活字印刷术最初向东传至朝鲜和日本,之后向西传至波斯(Persia)和埃及,临了传遍全球。活字印刷术发明促进了寰宇列国的文化交流。


Before printing was invented,a scholar had to copy characters one by one if he wanted to publish a new book. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Bi Sheng invented movable-type printing after many years of experimentation. He engraved the characters on small pieces of clay and heated them until they became hard movable characters. When printing a book,people placed the moveable characters in order into a whole block and then ran off a print. After printing, they took the block apart and reused the characters later. This method was both economical and time-saving. China's movable-type printing first spread eastward into Korea and Japan, then westward into Persia and Egypt, and at last, around the world. The invention of movable-type printing greatly promoted cultural exchanges among countries all over the world.

05、 圆明园

圆明园(Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden)位于北京西郊,于1708年启动营建。经过几十年的竖立、遮拦和改建,圆明园成为其时寰宇上最出色的园林之一。圆明园禁受了中国园林建筑的传统,把不同立场的园林建筑如胶投漆,充分体现前途争与完好意思。除此除外,圆明园活着界园林建筑史上也占有特地紧要的地位。缺憾的是,经过几场斗争,今天的圆明园仅仅一派废地。


Located in the west suburb of Beijing, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden was first constructed in 1708. After decades of construction, decoration, and reconstruction, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden had become one of the most excellent gardens in the world at that time. It earned forward the tradition of Chinese garden building by combining garden architectures of different styles to give full of harmony and perfectness. Besides this, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden also had a very important position in the world history of garden architecture. It is a pity that after several wars, today's Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden is only a heap of ruins.

06、 中国高铁



China now is home to the largest and fastest high-speed rail network in the world. The speed of the CRH (China Railway High-Speed) train will continue to increase and more cities will build high-speed rail stations. The CRH train has greatly reduced people's travel time. Compared with the airplane, the outstanding advantage of the CRH train is punctuality, because it is basically not affected by weather or traffic control. It has transformed the way people live and become the favorite option for business travelers today. More and more people also travel by CRH train during holidays. Many young people choose to work in one city but live in a nearby one since they can commute by CRH train every day.

07、 分享汽车

分享汽车新动力汽车分享神气已在北京、上海等多个城市伸开。这种新式的就业有望在畴昔几年为中国分享经济注入新的活力。要享受分享汽车就业,你需要先下载客户端,然后注册会员,上传本东说念主身份证和驾确乎物相片。经审核通过并缴纳押金(deposit)后,即可通过扫描二维码(QR code)使用租车就业。押金主要用于车辆损坏、违法以及发生行政解决所产生的用度。租车用度依据本体里程(mileage)和本体用车时分诡计。


The new energy vehicle-sharing project has been launched in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities. This new type of service is expected to add new vitality into China's sharing economy in the next few years. To enjoy the car-sharing service, you need to first download the App, then register to become a member and upload photos of your ID card and your driver's license. After passing the review and paying the deposit, you can use the car-sharing service by scanning the QR code. The deposit is mainly used for paying fees arising from car damage, violations of regulations and administrative punishment. The car rental is charged according to the actual mileage and the usage time.



皮影戏(shadow play)是中国的一种民间艺术,领有悠久的历史。皮影戏所需要的演员是用牛皮作念的皮影东说念主形,由一个或几个东说念主死心着,并用光将它们反射到幕布上。皮影戏在陕西和甘肃地区最为流行,经常在庙会、婚典和葬礼等局势献艺。皮影戏是用来驱邪的,东说念主们但愿皮影戏的献艺能给他们带来好运。精致纯的确皮影东说念主形还是成为一种储藏品,深受番邦东说念主的瞻仰。


Shadow play is a form of Chinese folk art with a long history. The actors or actresses in a shadow play are figures made of cow leather. Being controlled by one or several persons, these figures are reflected via a light on the screen. Shadow play is most popular in the area of Shanxi and Gansu Provinces and often performed in the temple fairs, wedding ceremonies and funeral ceremonies, etc. With the purpose of driving out evil spirits, people wish that the performance of shadow play will bring them good fortune. Delicate and vivid shadow figures have become a kind of collection and are greatly loved by foreigners.

10、 桂林

桂林是中国闻明的气候旅游城市。它位于广西东北部,面积有2.78万平方公里,东说念主口500万。领有2000多年历史的桂林如故一个历史文假名城。自北宋(the Northern Song Dynasty)以来,桂林就已成为广西的政事、经济及文化中心。桂林山水以山青、水秀、洞奇、石好意思闻明寰宇;桂林的交通、通信和住宿都特地便利发达。因此每年有数不胜数的国表里搭客来到桂林旅游。


Guilin is China's well-known tourist scenic city. Located in the northeast of Guangxi, Guilin covers an area of 27,800 square kilometers with a population of 5 million. Guilin is also a famous historic and cultural city with a history of over 2,000 years. Guilin has been the center of politics, economy, and culture of Guangxi since the Northern SongDynasty. Guilin scenery is famous for its green mountains, clear water, magic holes, and beautiful stones. The transportation, communication, and accommodation in Guilin are convenient and well-developed. Therefore, thousands of tourists from home and abroad are attracted to travel here every year.

10、 乌镇



Wuzhen is an ancient "Waterside" in Zhejiang, located in the bank of Jing Hang Canal. This is a charming place where there are many old bridges, hotels in Chinese style and restaurants. Over the past 1,000 years, there were no obvious changes in the water systems and lifestyles in Wuzhen, which is a museum that shows the ancient civilizations. All buildings in Wuzhen are built by stones and woods. For hundreds of years, local people have built up houses and markets along the riverside. Countless beautiful and capacious yards are hidden between houses. And visitors will be surprised when they see them.


国画(Chinese painting)是寰宇上最陈旧的艺术传统之一。绘制时用羊毫蘸黑墨或彩墨在纸张或丝绸上作画。左证进展手法,国画可分为写意派(the Xieyi school)和工笔派(the Gongbi school)两大类。写意派以摆脱抒发和阵势夸张为特色;工笔派则戒备以细致的笔法描摹细节。山水画被公以为国画的最高阵势。纵不雅历史,不同期期的国画都相应地响应出东说念主们的社会强项。


Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The painting is done on paper or silk with a brush dipped in black or colored ink. According to the means of expression, Chinese paintings can be divided into two categories which are the Xieyi school and the Gongbi school. The Xieyi school is characterized by free expression and exaggerated forms, while the Gongbi school attaches importance to detail with fine brushwork. Landscape painting is widely regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting. Throughout history, the Chinese paintings at different times mirror people's social consciousness accordingly.


13、 港珠澳大桥

港珠澳大桥( Hong Kong-zhuhai-macau Bridge)全长55公里,是我国一项不同寻常的工程豪举。大桥将三个城市连结起来,是寰宇上最长的跨海桥粱和贞洁系统。大桥将三个城市之间的旅行时分从3小时镌汰到30分钟。这座跨度雄伟的钢筋混凝土大桥充分讲明中国有才智竖立创记载的巨型建筑。它将助推区域一体化,促进经済増长。大桥是中国发展我方的大湾区总体经营的关节。中国但愿将大湾区建成在技艺革命和经济蕃昌上能与旧金山、纽约和东京的湾区相忘形的地区。


With a total length of 55 kilometers, the Hong Kong-zhuhai-macau Bridge is an extraordinary engineering in our country. As the longest cross-sea bridge and tunnel system in the world, the bridge connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau, shortening the traveling time among the three cities from 3 hours to 30 minutes. This reinforced concrete bridge with huge spans fully proves that China has the ability to build record-breaking huge construction. It will enhance regional integration and promote economic growth. The bridge is the key to China’s development of its own master plan for the Great Bay Area. China hopes to build the Great Bay Area into an area comparable to the Bay Areas of San Francisco, New York and Tokyo in terms of technological innovation and economic prosperity.

14、 社群学习



In the new era of consumption upgrades, the online education market is becoming increasingly mature, and the paid community model is setting the trend. On the whole, learning materials provided by paid communities have distinct characteristics including professionalism, scarcity, and being systematic. This model provides users with learning materials that are both systematic and concerned with the depth and therefore has stronger user engagement. A good paid community can not only meet the needs of users in terms of the quantity of the contents, but also provide users with systematically organized contents of high quality.


唐朝(the Tang Dynasty)是遍及公认的中国最光线的时期之一。唐朝时生机多规模得到了雄伟的发展。唐朝的领土在军事膨胀下已迥殊了汉朝(the Han Dynasty)。农业和灌溉器用有了很大的迥殊,农业经济十分发达。在交易上,唐朝与更多国度有了贸易往还。唐朝亦然体裁和艺术的黄金时期。盛唐时期出现了整整一代体裁大师,其中包括唐诗“双圣”李白和杜甫。


The Tang Dynasty is universally recognized as one of the most glorious periods in China. It has seen great progress in many fields. The territory in the Tang Dynasty, acquired through military expansion, was greater than that in the Han Dynasty. Great advances have been made in agriculture and irrigation tools, making a prosperous agricultural economy. In business, the Tang Dynasty had trade contacts with more countries. The Tang Dynasty was also the golden age of literature and arts. In the high tang period, there appeared a whole generation of literary giants including LiBai and Du Fu, the twin masters of Tang poetry.

16、 景泰蓝

景泰蓝(Jing Tai Lan/Chinese cloisonne)是中国的一种传统艺术品。因其在明朝(the Ming Dynasty)景泰年间盛行,况且以蓝色为主,故而得名“景泰蓝”。它采用一些珍惜金属手脚原材料,集绘制、工艺、艺术为一体。景泰蓝典雅精深,具有私有的民族立场和浓厚的文化韵味。在明清两朝(the Ming and Qing Dynasties), 景泰蓝都是皇家专用的器物饰品,标志着尊贵与资产。景泰蓝也在此时启动跟着商船走向国外。


Jing Tai Lan is a kind of Chinese traditional works of art. It got the name because it was very popular during the years of Jing Tai in the Ming Dynasty with blue as its main color. It uses some precious metals as raw materials, combining painting, craft, and art. JingTai Lan is elegant and beautiful with a unique national style and rich cultural flavor. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Tai Lan was the decorative article owned only by royal families, a symbol of being noble and wealthy. Also at that time, Jing Tai Lan began to go overseas with trade ships.

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